An open door to change with Prime Mobility

An open door to change with Prime Mobility
January 29, 2021
Prime Mobility emerges, at PrimeIT, with the awareness of change as a growth factor. Defending that the need to change, to learn new things or accept a new challenge are essential, and an innate condition for the human being, the technological consultant has created an internal mobility programme that allows its teams to achieve new ambitions, but in order to continue flying the flag of the company.
With access to the best opportunities in the most varied sectors of activity, Prime Mobility offers a range of alternative projects, allowing the benefits acquired over the years to be maintained in favour of the employee, when he/she embraces a new process. This step is always accompanied by PrimeIT’s experienced Management and Human Resources team, which is prepared to help and advise in a demanding Career Management, always with maximum security.
A new opportunity: From Consultant to Business Manager with Prime Mobility
For Mário, who started his journey in the 100% Portuguese company as a consultant, and now holds the position of Senior Business Manager, Prime Mobility appeared as an option through an “informal conversation with the director of PrimeIT. At the moment I shared interest and curiosity in the role of Business Manager, they made themselves available for me to integrate the recruitment process and dynamics“.
Mário was successful in group dynamics, one of the first stages of contact with the profession as part of the Management team, and recalls what he thought at that moment: “I loved it, this is what I want! Let’s take the next steps“.
Also for Ana Filipa, a consultant who aspired to be a Business Manager, the opportunity to change careers also arises from an informal conversation, which reveals the great proximity between the various departments of PrimeIT, resulting from an organisational culture of trust and sharing, promoted in a transversal way. Thus, from a demonstration of interest for an evolution in her career, the consultant started the transition process and, today, she is part of the Management team, by Prime Mobility procedures.
When asked about the added value of this change, Ana Filipa answers that “having the experience of having been a consultant in the past helps my work at this moment, as a Business Manager, because I know what it is like to be on the other side and I can better understand some day-to-day situations and problems“. In the long term, this specific change, from the consulting team to the internal team, proves to be enriching not only for those who bet on a career change, but for the company itself that manages to speed up processes and break possible entropies that were unknown to the vision of the Management team.
Mário also says that “in these times, it is extremely important for companies to provide their employees with the path they want to follow in their careers. Otherwise, they lose their most precious asset, the people“, an opinion shared by Ana Filipa who also reinforces the importance of “never giving up on our dreams. With hard work, focus and dedication the results appear“.
The mobility of companies between countries
But Prime Mobility is not only about changing profession. One of the greatest desires in the technological area is the desire to know new realities in other countries. With this, new cultures, new tools and a totally different and, above all, challenging networking.
For Hugo, a PrimeIT employee for 14 years, the internal mobility programme appeared in February 2010, in a project of a renowned company that develops and markets telecommunications, networks and services. The client, based in the United States of America, “was satisfied with my work and always renewed the contract and… Even today I’m here!“, Hugo says, recalling that the change, although professionally satisfactory, had its difficulties and “the biggest challenge was to be away from my family for 6 years, because I had trips every 3 months to Portugal, for 2 weeks“.
Today, with the stability of the project, Prime Mobility allows Hugo to live full time in the USA, together with his family and highlights that PrimeIT was important at this stage of his life because “it believed in me as a person and as an engineer“.