Digital Transformation in the Portuguese Government: The Modernization of the Public Sector

Digital Transformation in the Portuguese Government: The Modernization of the Public Sector
May 24, 2023
Today’s digital demands have led the Portuguese Government to invest heavily in the digital transformation and modernization of the public sector.
2020 was the year in which everything changed, with most public services transitioning to digital, both due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to meet the demands of citizens and companies.
Since that year, the Government has presented strategies to digitalize these services, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence, and the investment in programs that boost innovation in the public sector, as is the case of the latest update of the Simplex program.
In this article we will review the Portuguese Government’s plan for the modernization of the public sector and which strategies will leverage the digital transformation of Public Administration (PA).
Table of Contents:
1. The Modernization of the Portuguese Public Sector
2. Transversal Action Plan for the Digital Transformation and Modernization of the Public Sector
- 2.1. Digitalization of Public Services
- 2.2 Data Valorization
- 2.3 Cooperation Between Public Services
- 2.4 Employee Training and Digital Infrastructure Establishing
- 2.5 Cybersecurity
The Modernization of the Portuguese Public Sector
In recent years, the need for digital transformation of public administration services has come to light. Both citizens and companies needed to become more independent and save time on administrative procedures.
To this end, it was necessary to provide homogeneous and comprehensible information and eliminate steps in public service procedures. Thus, many public entities now have detailed information on their websites, and citizens now have an easy authentication process – called “Chave Móvel Digital” – to request some public service and follow the entire process.
As a result, besides being convenient for citizens and companies, these strategies also managed to reduce economic and environmental costs.
After the first digitization phase of the most used services, the Portuguese Government prepared the Transversal Action Plan for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration 2021-2026, with innovative measures and uniform action for all entities in the sector.
Transversal Action Plan for the Digital Transformation and the Modernization of the Public Sector
To make this plan work, while ensuring the that the measures for digitalization and modernization are followed in the various public service organizations, the Portuguese government created the Agency for Administrative Modernization. This is also the entity responsible for innovation in the public sector, acting in accordance with the Transversal Action Plan for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration.
This plan outlines the several pillars for the modernization of the public sector, such as:
- Digitalization of Public Services, in order to cut down physical processes.
- Data Valorization, for cross-referencing information between the various public entities.
- Cooperation between public services, increasing communication between them.
- Employee Training and Digital Infrastructure Establishing, so that ICT can be operated without obstacles.
- Cybersecurity, to keep confidential data and information protected.
The Digitalization of Public Services
Continuing what has already been done, public services will now have intuitive online platforms that provide coherent and information that anyone can understand. In addition, the sites will have personal areas, in which citizens can request a service, solve a question or follow up on an ongoing process.
These platforms will be available for the 25 most used services. Furthermore, to keep on going with the modernization of the public sector, the Portuguese government has also invested in:
- Technological infrastructures, such as the Public Cloud.
- Open-source ecosystems within Public Administration, favoring the sharing of knowledge and reducing time and operational costs.
- Networks that allow communication between the main public sector entities.
- Generalize the Traffic Exchange Point.
Data Valorization
The second digital transformation pillar is the valorization of data, in accordance with European standards. That is, to make better use of the data of citizens and companies that are in the possession of the Public Administration. By better managing and using data, it will be possible to make the public sector more transparent and analyze the real needs of citizens and businesses. Consequently, new public services can be created, or the existing ones can be improved.
For this Transversal Plan’s sphere, it was outlined the following measures:
- Establish support infrastructures for data-consumption in real-time.
- Launch the “Portal Mais Transparência”, an online platform where Public Administration data is available, so that any citizen can access true information.
- Implement intelligent management for in-site assistance in all public organizations.
- Adopt Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, among other technologies, to make processes automatic and easier to operate.
- Publish a guide regarding Artificial Intelligence and Ethics in Public Administration, named “GuIA”.
Cooperation between public services
Once public services are established in the digital world, it is essential that they communicate with each other, sharing data in order to serve citizens and businesses faster, more securely and cohesively.
By 2026, according to the Transversal Action Plan, the following measures will have to be established:
- Create a digital network for the public services, so that they operate together and reuse data, as well as operations whenever necessary.
- Make communication easier between platforms and teams, in order to share solutions, while saving resources.
- Make a catalog of data and public services available, integrating them in a single platform named “Plataforma de Interoperabilidade da Administração Pública”.
- Develop “seamless” services, using a “only-once” principle.
Cooperation between Public Administration services is essential for the modernization of the public sector, given that, in the future, it may be a helping hand when designing smart cities.
Employee Training and Digital Infrastructure Establishing
Without digital skills, there is no one to operate the Public Administration’s digital systems and online platforms. Therefore, tech training is one of the most important steps towards the modernization of the public sector.
The Portuguese Government is committed with a series of measures in order to increase the digital skills of these organizations:
- Align all the digital transformation actions in the public sector to create a homogeneous strategy.
- Invest in internal training or in courses at partner universities for public workers.
- Create collaborative platforms and communities to encourage the sharing of tech knowledge.
- Attract young graduates and hire digital-specialized services.
- Establish an Observatory for Digital Innovation and Emerging Technologies, to monitor and analyze the evolution of tech throughout the country and in the international community.
- Encourage gender parity in tech professions within Public Administration.
For the digital transformation and modernization of the public sector to run smoothly, it is essential to adopt cybersecurity measures.
With the percentage of cybercrime increasing considerably, there are many threats that the Portuguese government may face with the transition to a digital model. In addition to financial crimes and data theft, there is the possibility of political crimes, such as sabotage or espionage.
In order to reinforce the entire digital transition strategy and keep the citizens and companies’ data safe, the government outlined a series of measures:
- Establish the National Cybersecurity Certification Framework.
- Train and certify all public employees for Cybersecurity and Classified Information Security.
- Develop cybersecurity solutions for confidential information.
- Authenticate all Public Administration solutions via eIDAS.
- Implement a strong authentication process across all public organizations.
- Extend the use of the application to government employees.
- Make Public Administration data accessible for citizens to carry out audits.
- Be part of the PANORAMA program, which, in real time, aims to share information about potentially malicious activities.
- Increased national cryptographic capacity.
- Fortify the Government’s IT Network Management Center.
- Protect identity digitally through RING.
- Maintain and strengthen digital infrastructures and platforms.
Did you know that PrimeIT is a Portuguese Government tech partners? Find out about the projects we develop in the public sector, in the article “PrimeIT consolidates growth as a technological partner in the Public Sector”.