Hiring Success Stories in Brazil

Hiring Success Stories in Brazil
March 15, 2021
Priscila and Filipe are Brazilian, they lived in the country which “breathed” samba and embarked on the adventure of moving to Portugal to accept a challenge with PrimeIT. Today they tell us, in the first person, how this experience of internationalising and evolving professionally has been.
Priscila and Filipe, when you had your first contact with PrimeIT you were still in Brazil. How did this interaction come about?
P: My first contact came with an opportunity for a vacancy for a position that matched my profile. I was referred by Filipe B., who shared my CV with his Business Manager at PrimeIT. Very quickly I was contacted by the project manager, who wanted to know a bit more about my career and then revealed further details about this challenge.
F: I was first contacted by the Business Manager Filipe, through a referral from a friend in the UK. We kept in touch for a few months and assessed the opportunities that arose, in order to reconcile PrimeIT’s needs with my career moment.
On a first approach, what interested you most about PrimeIT?
P: I had positive feedbacks about the company and its culture. The agility in the selecting process was also very positive and during the whole procedure I always received full support from my Manager, to prepare myself as well as possible for the final interview with the client.
F: I did some research on PrimeIT on the internet and looked for references within my contact network. I had good feedback which praised the professionalism and the good integration between the employee and the project manager.
What are the steps required to move between Brazil and Portugal, and how did the whole process unfold?
P: I started working with PrimeIT still in Brazil. I had planned to move to Portugal very soon, but then the restrictions in relation to Covid-19 started and the process was not immediate. However, I started to prepare the move. I applied for a work visa (which is not necessary for those with European citizenship), managed to establish an address with ease (although I know it is not always easy) and then I finally settled the date of the move with PrimeIT and the client. I packed my bags, said goodbye to my family and here I am. PrimeIT continued to give me all the support in regularising the necessary documents in Portugal.
F: After concluding the interviews with the Business Manager and the client, we started the actual hiring process. I then received the promissory contract and ended my contract with the company where I was performing tasks in Brazil. When I arrived in Portugal, PrimeIT helped me with the initial administrative matters, mainly related to the residence permit. The fact that I had dual nationality made the whole process easier and, already in possession of the RP, I signed the contract, which matched exactly to what had been previously agreed.
How was the follow-up given by your Business Manager and how did this positively influence your change?
P: My Manager was very available from the beginning, he gave me all the necessary support and we learned together with this new process. It was always an interesting exchange of opinions and the fact that today I am a Primer, demonstrates the success of this support. But I wasn’t the only one to benefit, Filipe also made it possible to hire other Brazilians in the same situation as me, which has been very positive for the project and for the people recruited.
F: From the beginning, the person responsible for my project, listened carefully to all the details of my background and also all my wishes in taking this step in my career. I believe that the fact that he participated in this change helped a lot, because it is through the day-to-day that we create mutual trust, which is very important from the point of view of those embarking on this adventure, which is the change of country.
In your opinion, what are the most relevant points, in the reception that PrimeIT gave you?
P: PrimeIT support was fundamental in the initial period, in addition to the great courage and trust that existed on both sides. It was very important to reflect before starting such a complex process as moving to Portugal. As much as it matched my ambition, adaptation is not always easy, especially in pandemic times. The support of my family was also crucial, because I embarked on this challenge alone. In summary, the most relevant points of the welcome that PrimeIT gave me were, without a doubt, courage, confidence and support!
F: In my opinion, embarking on this journey with a trustworthy company, with responsible and attentive people was extremely important. PrimeIT was always committed to the agreements we made and this partnership has been a success. The tranquillity and professionalism from the moment I was hired, and even in day-to-day conversations, are fundamental for a calm transition process and for a better use of this experience, which is to internationalise myself.
Since officially being part of the team, what captivates you most about PrimeIT’s organisational culture?
P: Although I started this journey in a remote working format, PrimeIT welcomed me very well from the beginning and made me feel very secure about my change. The concern my manager has to keep me motivated is clearly part of the company’s organisational culture and is a very important factor for me.
F: Without a doubt, I am very captivated by the fact that it is a vibrant company that seeks to keep up-to-date and in tune with what is happening in the market. I took part in the Prime Get Together events, which revealed the organisational culture practised at PrimeIT and, at this time of the pandemic, the concern to maintain the spirit of these events is visible.
If you had to leave a message for colleagues who want to evolve in their professional lives, even if it involves moving countries what would it be?
P: Career change decisions need to be individual and need to allow us to move on, without regrets. So the message I leave is: keep studying, keep up to date in the subjects of your interests, even if it means changing your area of activity. It is never too late! Changing country is a very important decision and it should be taken together with the family and everyone who will be impacted, because having the support of these people will make all the difference. It is very interesting to get to know new cultures and ways of working. I am safe and happy with the decision I made!
F: Moving to another country is a serious decision that should be taken within the family. Considering a country with a cultural synergy like Portugal, and with a captivating company to work for like PrimeIT, keep in mind that it will be a rewarding change. The people are fantastic and the working atmosphere is very “cool”. Not to mention that, being in contact with people from different nationalities, with a multicultural climate, allows us to have a great learning experience, which is very rewarding.