Looking for a professional upgrade? PrimeIT has all the answers

Looking for a professional upgrade? PrimeIT has all the answers
August 1, 2022
August is considered to be a month dedicated to new beginnings. It’s the time of year when most people look for career opportunities and decide to embark on a new professional journey.
Despite recruitment being a constant in PrimeIT’s strategy, which has over two hundred openings currently, the consultant decided to not take a break from the hottest topic in August.
Prime Career Upgrade was the name chosen by the tech company for a new topic that will highlight, for several weeks, some themes related to technical and social competencies that are valued by the companies’ current organizational structure, as well as useful tips that will help candidates stand out on selection processes and build a sustained professional path.
PrimeIT’s doors will also open to sharing with the world what it considers to be the “new paradigm of consulting”. With real testimonies from Primers, everyone will know how they have evolved in their career and what the company has to offer.
There will also be the marketing of the job vacancies and incentives through Prime Rewards, which is a referencing program that rewards whoever references candidates looking for new professional opportunities.
Prime Career Upgrade will transform into a true talent hub where all skills will be valued and boosted, and where all candidates looking for a new chapter in their careers will be able to start designing their strategies toward professional success.