Prime Webinar #4 unveiled the complex world of Testing

Prime Webinar #4 unveiled the complex world of Testing
May 28, 2021
PrimeIT’s Webinar #4 was held last Wednesday and was about one of the most famous IT subjects of recent times: Testing. With the participation of Primers, who take on the complex testing mission daily, we got to know what a professional in this field does. What types of tests exist, what are the processes, what are bugs, and the biggest concerns of this job position were some of the questions answered.
The testing phase is essential in the software development process. It translates into a set of procedures whose purpose is to analyze certain aspects of the program under development. This practice has as main objective to ensure that the software meets a series of quality requirements before being delivered, corresponding to the requirements and needs of the customer. The methods are endless. Despite the initial investment, Testing allows to reduce costs in the medium term and save time in eventual failures that could compromise the success of the product launch.
PrimeIT will maintain its commitment to organizing these online events, allowing the team to share their knowledge on technical and business topics. If you have any subjects you’re interested in, please share your suggestions with us.