Opinion: Ransomware, a major digital danger

Opinion: Ransomware, a major digital danger
October 7, 2020
“Ransomware is a type of computer threat that has caused great financial damage through the theft of user data. This threat can reach all digital content, allowing access only after the payment of high values, which does not always guarantee that all information will be really recovered and, to cause more panic, a time limit is stipulated to make the payment.
There are records of large institutions that have paid high amounts for the recovery of their data and there are those that have lost all the information by not accepting the blackmail of virtual hijackers. In times of pandemic, there are hospitals that besides the chaos caused by Covid-19 had to fight against data theft and needed to keep all equipment turned off to avoid greater losses, causing inconvenience and delays in patient care.
The technique of digital extortion has existed since 1989, but in recent years and with the popularity of the Internet, the variety of forms of attack and robbery is growing at alarming levels. Ransomware can contaminate any operating system and various electronic devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, cameras, wearables, among other equipment.
As a preventive measure, users should be more attentive to websites visited and messages received, avoid opening links and unknown files, and not connect to open wireless networks of doubtful origin. Companies also need to invest in new technologies and cybersecurity professionals, prepared to analyse and prevent adverse actions that can lead to irreparable losses.
Protect your digital life, your data and browse safely.”
Gilberto Lopes
Senior Information Security Consultant