The perspective of Miguel Brito Campos on PrimeIT’s investment in the Public Sector

The perspective of Miguel Brito Campos on PrimeIT’s investment in the Public Sector
February 26, 2021
Miguel Brito Campos, with a 20-year career dedicated to the technological area, takes the lead of PrimeIT’s new investment in the Public Administration market. In an interview with the consultancy company, he now presents himself to the team and reveals his view on the sector’s evolution and challenges.
Miguel Brito Campos, how has your professional career been and how did the contact with PrimeIT occur?
My professional career started 20 years ago and I have been always connected with the IT sector. I began collaborating with the IT and R&D departments of public companies and I am working since 2006 in private companies that develop IT projects and services for the Public Administration. The contact with PrimeIT came naturally, given the significant investment of the company and Prime Group in the Public Sector for the 20/30 decade.
You have a wide experience in the Public Sector. What are the main challenges of working in this segment?
The Public Sector has been investing in a comprehensive transformation of its services within the scope of adopting the Digital as a means for simplifying, dematerializing and optimizing. As such, I would say that the main challenges of working in this sector demand that we must be constantly innovative and solid, as this is where there are many opportunities, but also very challenging projects.
In your opinion, how has the sector’s investment in technology been evolving?
Portugal is one of the most digital countries in Europe and for this reason, it is part of the D9+ group (a group of the twelve most digital countries in Europe). The attribution of this status is inherent to the very strong investment made by the Public Sector over the last 20 years regarding IT projects, which now translates into many opportunities for companies that develop and provide IT services and solutions for the sector.
What is the added value that the Public Sector can expect from a partnership with PrimeIT?
PrimeIT is a 100% Portuguese company, present for already 14 years in the market, with 1,900 employees and a turnover of € 100M expected for 2021. These facts sustain the conclusion that this is a company with a relevant, solid and reliable experience. The main additional benefits that the Public Sector can expect are the highly robust solutions and services that we provide, together with the huge capacity installed to contribute to a good execution of the Portugal 2030 Programme, the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan, and other initiatives.