Women in Tech through the voice of our Primers

Women in Tech through the voice of our Primers
March 10, 2021
Last Monday was International Women’s Day and, at PrimeIT, we celebrated the date in the best possible way: by giving voice to our Primers! This second webinar brought together our CEO, Joana Leal, the Business Manager Cláudia Pereira and the consultants Berta Bragança, Carolina Maluf, Cláudia Souza, Indira Garcia, Luciana Oliveira, Paula Silva and Sofia Santos, and had as a general motto “Women in Tech – female empowerment in the technological market“.
The theme, which is a tribute to all the Women who are part of our team, praised the work developed by the female members of PrimeIT and promoted a sharing of experiences among the guests. Team management in lockdown, leadership, personal/professional development, women’s characteristics as an added value in teams, different treatment in client contact (women vs men), technologies used, daily challenges and ways to increase female presence in IT, were just some of the many subjects discussed in the online event, which resulted in a success as great as that achieved by our Primers in their career paths. In what was a relaxed conversation, we always kept in mind the importance of the path to be taken for gender equality, since, despite all the advances regarding women’s rights in recent years, there is still much to do, especially in the IT area, one of the markets mostly dominated by the male presence.
Prime Webinars are the most recent communication focus of PrimeIT, following the pandemic, to make up for the lack of events with physical presence and to highlight themes of interest to our community. The following one is already scheduled for April and will be totally dedicated to Cybersecurity, which, like the first one, about Agile Methodologies, promises to gather professionals to present their work.